Thursday, June 5, 2014


This dance originated from Nabua, Camarines Sur. It is called Pandanggo Rinconada because it is a favorite dance of the people of the Rinconada district. It is dance by old and young people during Christmas season. Young boys and girls usually perform this durng veladas (programs).

Girls wear patadyong, camisita and soft pañuelo: Boys wear barong tagalog and white trousers.

Music is divided into seven parts: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.
Count one, two; one, and, two or one, and, two, and to a measure in 2/4 time; one, two, three or one, and, two, and, three in ¾ time.

Partners stand opposite each other about six feet apart. When facing audience, Girl is at partner’s right side. One to any pairs may take part in this dance.


Music Introduction
Partners face each other.
Starting with R foot, take two running steps forward to meet at center (cts. 1, and), join both hands and turn around clockwise in place with six running steps (cts. 2, and, 1, and, 2, and).  Drop hands and take two running steps forward going to proper places (cts. 1, and), turn right about to face partner and pause (cts. 2, and)….........................................................................................................................................................3M

Music A
Partners face each other. Throughout this figure, Girl holds skirt and Boy places hands on waist.
(a)  Point  R across L in front (ct. 1), hop on L (ct. and), step R sideward (ct. 2), step L close to R (ct. and) , step R in place (ct. 3)……………..…..…………….......…………….1M
(b)  Repeat (a), three more times( L,R,L,R)….……………………………………………….4M
(c)  Step L sideward (ct. 1), close R to L and pause (cts. 2, 3)…………….……………...1M

Music A (1)
Partners face each other.
(a)  Waltz R forward. Girl holds skirt, Boy places Hands on waist (1M). Turn right about and waltz L backward. Bend arms forward at shoulder level on ct. 1 and turn forearms inward and assume a reverse “T” position on cts. 2,3 (1M).......………...…...2M
(b)  Repeat (a), three more times facing away and towards audience alternately ……………………………...........……………………………………………………………….….6M
Partners face each other.
(c)  Repeat (a), going to partners place, passing by L shoulders.....................................2M
(d)  Repeat (c), going to proper places…………………………………………………..…2M
(e) Repeat (c), and (d)………………………………………………………………………….4M

Music B
Partners face each other. Partners perform their movement simultaneously.
(a)  Girl – Brush-step turn right. R hand overhead doing a kumintang every measure, L hand holding skirt (4M). Repeat turning left. Reverse position of the hands (4M)....................................................................................................................................................8MBoy–Claps hands on cts. 1, 3 every measure..........…………………………………….......8M
(b)  Girl – Claps hands on cts 1,3 every measure…...……………………............................8M
Boy – Do the movement of Girl as in (a)………….…........…………………………….........8M

Music B (1)
Partners face each other.
Repeat same movements as in Intermission …………………………………...................6M

Music C
Partners face audience. Throughout this figure Girls hold skirt and Boys places hands on waist.
(a)  Step R forward bending trunk slightly forward (cts. 1, 2), step L forward (ct.3). Step R forward (ct.1), cut R forward with L (ct. 2), pause (ct. 3)……....................……2M
(b)  Repeat (a) two more times.…………………..................……………………………….4M
(c)  Four step turn right about (cts. 1, 2, 3, 1) pause (cts. 2, 3)…….........….…………...2M
(d)  Repeat all (a-c), going to proper places…………......………………….....………….8M


Music D
Partners face each other.
(a)  Three sway balance steps with a close (R, L, and R). R and L arm in reverse “T” position alternately with L and R hand of Girl holding skirt and that of Boy arm place on waist………………………………………………………......................……..6M
(b)  Three – step turn left about to finish with back towards partner. Boy hands on waist, Girl holding skirt…………………………………………......................................2M
(c)  Repeat (a) and (b), starting with L foot. Reverse arm position and direction……………………………………………………….............………………….8M


Music E
Partners face each other.
(a)  Step R sideward (ct.1), point L across R in rear and twist body slightly to left and at the same time bend knees slightly (cts. 2, 3). Girl holds skirt, Boy places hand on waist…………………………………………………………………..………1M
(b)  Repeat (a) several more times, L and R alternately…………..….…………...7M


Music F
Face left so that partners turn R shoulders toward each other. Throughout this figure Girls hold skirt Boy places hands on waist.
(a)  Step R sideward right (cts. 1, 2), close L to R foot (ct. 3)……………...…………1M
(b)  Face right about and step L sideward left (cts. 1, 2), close R to L (ct. 3). At the end of this movement partners are standing back to back at the center with Girl facing the audience and Boy facing toward audience…………………...1M
(c)  Face left about and repeat (a) going to partner’s place …………………….1M
(d)  Face right about and repeat (b). At the end of this movement, dancers are in their partners place. Girl finishes facing audience and Boy, away from audience…………….......…………………………………………………………….…..1M
(e)  Repeat all (a-d), going to proper places. In (b), partners finish face to face at the center, with Girl facing away from the audience and Boy facing toward audience…………………………………………………………………….............……4M

Music G
Partners face audience. Inside hands reverse “T” position doing kumintang every measure. Outside hand holding skirt Boy is, on waist from (a) to (c).
(a)  Starting with inside foot, take seven chasing step sideward going to partners place, Girl passing in front of Boy (7 cts.), step sideward with inside foot (L of Girl, R of Boy) (ct. 8) ……………………………………….……………………......…...4M
(b)  Repeat (a), going to proper places, Girl passing in front again. Reverse position of the arms………………………………………………..……………..……...4M
Partners face each other.
(c)  Repeat (a)…………………………………………………….....…...…………………..4M
(d)  Change step sideward, R and L for Girl and L and R for Boy. Girl holds skirt, Boy places hands on waist ……………………………………………………………........2M
(e)  Change step turn in place, right for Girl left for Boy. Hands as in (d)………....2M
Face audience.
(f)     Repeat all (a-e), Boy passing in front of girl this time. Reverse direction and turn in (d) and (e). Finish in proper places…………………………..................…..16M

Music Finale
(a)  Four – step turn right in place, Girl holds skirt and Boy places hand on waist (cts. 1, 2, 1, 2)……………….............................…………………………………………..2M
(b)  Step R foot backward (ct. 1), point L in front (ct. 2). Arms in forth position, R arm high ………………………………………………………...…………………….......1M
(c)  Repeat (b), starting with L foot. Reverse position of arm. Hold position for a while………………………………………………..............................................................1M


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